Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kindle and pdf

I have a Kindle 2. I want to read pdf files on it. Up to now, it has been impossible. Sometimes it is due to the two column format of a journal paper, or the foct size is too small. Today, after some searching, I came upon this article: Ireaderreview. This linked to the website Mobipocket. I was told to install the publisher edition which I did. There are some notes regarding DRMs and adding a cost to a book, but I only want to read it on my Kindle. I opened my pdf file (import from an existing file) and chose build. An directory is created which contains different versions of the same file. The extension is html but there is a Kindle format also.The only warning I got is that I did not put a title page. I sent it to my kindle email as an attachment and it arrived on my Kindle via the wi-fi (I have a new router). It worked really nice. I am able to change the font size so that I could read it.

Since this went so well, I will try again with a more challenging document, two columns, formulas, diagrams and pictures. Ok, the formulas did not come out toowell. Neither did the diagrams. But the text and the one of the pictures (a png photograph) turned out ok. The diagrams (also png) that did not appear correctly looked like they had been separated into lines (the directory contain thousands of one line png images).

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